St. Vincent de Paul Society
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Christian lay voluntary organisation, working with the poor and disadvantaged. Inspired by our founder, Frederick Ozanam, and our patron, St. Vincent de Paul, we seek to respond to the call every Christian receives to bring the love of Christ to those we serve.

Frederick Ozanam
Through person to person contact, we are committed to respecting the dignity of those we assist and thus to foster their self-respect. In the provision of material and other support, we assure confidentiality at all times and endeavour to establish relationships based on trust and friendship.

St. Vincent de Paul
We believe it is not enough to provide short-term material support. Those we help must also be helped to achieve self-sufficiency in the longer term and the sense of self-worth this provides. When the problems we encounter are beyound our competence, we build bridges of support with others more specialised.
Our Conference is called the Holy Spirit Conference. We cater for two parishes – Ballineaspaig (Dennehy’s Cross) and S.M.A. Wilton.
We hold our Conference meetings on Monday between 7:15pm and 8:15pm in the Parish Centre at Dennehy’s Cross. Home visitations take place afterwards. We hold weekly meetings from September to May and fortnightly meetings from June to August.
Our church door collections take place in the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit Dennehy’s Cross, St. Josephh’s Wilton and the Poor Clares on College Road, on the first weekend of the month except for July and December which takes place on the second weekend.
Address: Ozanam House, 2 Tuckey Street, Cork.
Tel. No.: (021) 4170444
Fax: (021) 4270644
Email: [email protected]
Website: St. Vincent de Paul Society