Thursday 21st November
Creator God, Forgive the short-sightedness and greed that has led to this situation, the living for today with no thought of tomorrow, and the obsession with material possessions at the cost of spiritual values. Forgive the massive divide between rich and poor which it has served to create, and which makes any prospect of resolving the [...]
Wednesday 20th November
Creator God, you have given us the privilege of participating in the care and nurture of this world. You call us to work in partnership with you and one another, not simply serving ourselves, nor looking only to short-term interests, but conscious of our responsibility to our children and those who will follow them. Teach us [...]
Tuesday 19th November
Creator God, Forgive us the folly of our modern lifestyles, the fact that, even though we have repeatedly been warned of its costly consequences, we are reluctant to change. Forgive us that, even as we speak, some part of the natural world is being destroyed and its climate and environment changed, perhaps for ever. We hold [...]
Monday 18th November
Creator God, who made our beautiful world, appointed us as its guardiansand gifted us with everything we need, forgive us for the times we cause it harm; for the times our way of life affects our neighbours. Inspire us to care for the environment; to help rebuild lives and communities; to share in the griefs and [...]